Archaeological Museum of Patras

This fabulous museum should be shouting its existence from its space-age rooftop. Its exhibits comprise regional objects from prehistoric to Roman times arranged across three themed halls: Private Life, Public Life and Cemeteries. Displays largely focus on two eras: there are excellent Mycenaean ceramics from a variety of grave sites in the region, and some fine sculptures and mosaics from Roman villas and other sites excavated around town. Most extraordinary, though, are four moving Hellenistic-era skulls complete with beautiful, delicate funerary wreaths.Explanations are in Greek and English.

The museum has four thematic sections, three of which permanent and one periodic. The periodic section will be hosting various exhibitions around the year. According to the archaeologists of the 6th Antiquity Conservancy, the 70% of the items exhibited are seeing the light of day for the first time in the past thirty years.

The museum is 4km northeast of the centre. 

Εθνική Οδός Αθηνών-Πατρών 38-40
Tel.: +302613 616100, +302610616151